Since today is 25th I got 50€ for games on Steam and besides Sable, Bayonetta and Scott Pilgrim I got Bomb Rush Cyberfunk too, because the style looked cool and it wasn't too big for having a full city map. The tutorial was fun, although the characters a bit uncharismatic besides the Robot DJ or whatever he's called, but like I had to refund it after an hour because the streets are SO EMPTY, like seriously, look at this: like this looks like a sunday at midday, but like 10x worse because that square is monumentaly large, and there was a street before also like barren, there were some more people but they were so soulless, like ik they're NPCs but the ones form GTACW look better... I don't recommend this game, like if you're a millionare maybe or you think the deserted/solitary place won't affect you buy it ig One think that I like A LOT tho it's how smooth it can go at low resolutions, and how good it looks, like it's well optimised...